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Dopisni član Akademije nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine Elvis Ahmetović i profesor na Tehnološkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Tuzli održao pristupno predavanje
- 23/09/2024
Dopisni član Akademije nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine (ANUBiH) i redovni profesor na Tehnološkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Tuzli Elvis Ahmetović je u četvrtak 19. septembra 2024. godine održao pristupno predavanje koje je organizovalo Odjeljenje tehničkih nauka ANUBiH-a na temu „Međunarodna saradnja i mogućnosti za razvoj istraživanja u Bosni i Hercegovini iz oblasti hemijskog inženjerstva“.
U tom predavanju, on je predstavio svoje poglede u vezi međunarodne saradnje i razvoja istraživanja u Bosni i Hercegovini iz oblasti hemijskog inženjerstva, oblast naučno-istraživačkog rada i postignute rezultate u saradnji sa kolegama iz Bosne i Hercegovine i inostranstva, a na kraju je istakao neke od budućih smjernica u toj naučno-istraživačkoj oblasti.
Detaljnije informacije u vezi pristupnog predavanja su raspoložive na web stranici Akademije nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine:
Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina Elvis Ahmetović and professor at the Faculty of Technology of the University of Tuzla held an introductory lecture
Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ANUBiH) and full professor at the Faculty of Technology of the University of Tuzla, Elvis Ahmetović, on Thursday, September 19, 2024, held an introductory lecture organized by the Department of Technical Sciences of the ANUBiH on the topic “International Cooperation and opportunities for the development of research in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the field of chemical engineering”.
In that lecture, he presented his views regarding international cooperation and the development of research in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the field of chemical engineering, the field of scientific and research work and the results achieved in cooperation with colleagues from Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad, and at the end he highlighted some of future guidelines in that scientific research area.
More detailed information about the introductory lecture is available on the website of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina: