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Uspješno realizovane radionice i treninzi u okviru Erasmus+ projekta “INTERBA” na Univerzitetu u Tuzli
- 06/01/2023

INTERnationalization at Home: Embedding Approaches and Structures to Foster Internationalization at Western BAlkans/ INTERBA
Uspješno realizovane radionice i treninzi u okviru Erasmus+ projekta “INTERBA” na Univerzitetu u Tuzli
Univerzitet u Tuzli učestvuje u okviru Erasmus+ projekta pod nazivom ”INTERnationalization at Home: Embedding Approaches and Structures to Foster Internationalization at Western Balkans/INTERBA.
Jedna od planiranih aktivnosti u okviru INTERBA projekta je održavanje radionica i treninga na partnerskim institucijama u Bosni i Hercegovini, Albaniji i Kosovu.
Dana 28. i 29. decembra 2022. godine održane su hibridne radionice i treninzi na Univerzitetu u Tuzli, Tehnološkom fakultetu, u novoformiranoj INTERBA laboratoriji – Računarskom centru, kao jednim od ishoda INTERBA projekta i putem Zoom aplikacije.
Prvog dana radionica i treninga predstavljene su dvije sesije i to:
- Sesija 1: INTERBA project presentation and Re-Training programme. Profesor Elvis Ahmetović je učesnicima predstavio informacije o INTERBA projektu i programu treninga.
- Sesija 2: Re-Training – Didactics, curriculum development, and curriculum planning. Vanredni profesor Nijaz Tihić održao je prvi dio ove sesije fokusirane na lični i profesionalni razvoj nastavnika i aktivno učenje kao odrednicu savremene nastave.
- Sesija 2: Re-Training – Didactics, curriculum development, and curriculum planning. Profesor Elvis Ahmetović održao je drugi dio ove sesije fokusirane na faze procesa izrade nastavnog plana i programa i SCATE pedagoški model.
Tokom prvog dana radionica i treninga, voditelj INTERBA projekta na Univerzitetu u Tuzli, profesor Elvis Ahmetović, dekan Tehnološkog fakulteta, profesor Sead Ćatić i prorektorica za međunarodnu saradnju, profesorica Vesna Bratovčić dali su kratke intervjue za Radio Televiziju Tuzlanskog kantona (RTVTK) o INTERBA projektu, radionicama i treninzima, te značaju navedenog događaja za Univerzitet u Tuzli i Tehnološki fakultet. Više detalja o tome dostupno je na web stranici Radio Televizije Tuzlanskog kantona ( i YouTube (
Također, prezentovane su dvije sesije drugog dana radionica i treninga i to:
- Sesija 1: INTERBA project presentation and Re-Training programme. Profesor Elvis Ahmetović održao je ovu sesiju jer su novi učesnici pohađali radionice i treninge. Cilj je bio podijeliti informacije o INTERBA projektu i programu sa širom publikom.
- Sesija 2: Leading Towards Sustainable Gender Equality Plans in Research-Performing Organizations. Vanredna profesorica Vesna Bratovčić održala je ovu sesiju fokusiranu na održive planove za rodnu ravnopravnost u istraživačkim organizacijama.
Učesnici su bili uključeni u aktivnosti u vezi tematike sesija i evaluacije sesija tokom oba dana radionica i treninga. Na osnovu komentara i rezultata evaluacije sesija i ukupne evaluacije za oba dana radionica i treninga, iste su bile profesionalno organizovane i veoma interesantne za različite učesnike, uključujući nastavno, tehničko i administrativno osoblje i studente.
Agenda radionica i treninga dostupna je na sljedećoj web stranici Univerziteta u Tuzli ( i Tehnološkog fakulteta (
Sve fotografije snimljene tokom oba dana radionica i treninga dostupne su online na sljedećem web linku, a video prezentacija INTERBA projekta dostupna je na YouTube kanalu
Re-Training Workshop at the University of Tuzla
Dates: 28 – 29 December 2022
Programme: Erasmus+
Action: Capacity Building in Higher Education
Project Title: INTERnationalization at Home: Embedding Approaches and Structures to Foster Internationalization at Western BAlkans
Project acronym: INTERBA
Duration: 3 years (10.02.2020 – 14.11.2022) + 1 year extension
Co-ordinator: University of Tirana
Project reference number: 610429-EPP-1-2019-1-AL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
INTERnationalization at Home: Embedding Approaches and Structures to Foster Internationalization at Western BAlkans/ INTERBA
Successfully Realized Workshops and Re-Training
within the Erasmus+ Project “INTERBA” at the University of Tuzla
The University of Tuzla participates within the Erasmus+ project entitled ”INTERnationalization at Home: Embedding Approaches and Structures to Foster Internationalization at Western Balkans/INTERBA.
One of the planned activities within the INTERBA project is the delivery of workshops and re-training at partner institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, and Kosovo.
On December 28 and 29, 2022, hybrid workshops and re-training were held at the University of Tuzla, Faculty of Technology, in the newly formed INTERBA Laboratory – Computer Center, as one of the INTERBA project outcomes and via the Zoom application.
Two sessions were presented on the first day of workshops and re-training as follows:
- Session 1: INTERBA project presentation and Re-Training programme. Professor Elvis Ahmetović delivered the information about the INTERBA project and the re-training programme to the participants.
- Session 2: Re-Training – Didactics, curriculum development, and curriculum planning. Associate professor Nijaz Tihić delivered the first part of this session focused on personal and professional development of teachers and active learning as a determinant of modern teaching.
- Session 2: Re-Training – Didactics, curriculum development, and curriculum planning. Professor Elvis Ahmetović delivered the second part of this session focused on stages of the curriculum development process and the SCATE pedagogical model.
During the first day of Re-training, the INTERBA project leader at the University of Tuzla, Professor Elvis Ahmetović, the Dean of the Faculty of Technology, Professor Sead Ćatić, and Vice-Rector for International Relations, Associate Professor Vesna Bratovčić gave short interviews to the Radio Television of Tuzla Canton (RTVTK) about the INTERBA project, workshops and re-training, and the importance of this event for the University of Tuzla, and the Faculty of Technology. More details about that are available on the website of the Radio Television of Tuzla Canton ( and YouTube channel (
Also, two sessions were presented on the second day of workshops and re-training as follows:
- Session 1: INTERBA project presentation and Re-Training programme. Professor Elvis Ahmetović delivered this session as new participants attended workshops and re-training. The goal was to share information about the INTERBA project and retraining programme with a wider audience.
- Session 2: Leading Towards Sustainable Gender Equality Plans in Research-Performing Organizations. Associate Professor Vesna Bratovčić delivered this session focused on sustainable gender equality plans in research-performing organizations.
The participants were involved in train-storming activities and session evaluations during both days of the workshops and re-training. Based on comments and the results of the sessions and both days evaluations, the workshops and re-training were professionally organized and very interesting for variety participants involving teaching, technical, and administrative staff and students.
The agenda for re-training is available on the following web page of the University of Tuzla ( and the Faculty of Technology (
All photos taken during both days of workshops and re-training are available online on the following weblink, and a video presentation of the INTERBA project is available on YouTube