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Predavanja održana u sklopu CEEPUS programa
- 19/10/2024
U srijedu i četvrtak ove sedmice (16. i 17.10.2024. godine) kolega Martin Necpal, sa “Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava” je održao predavanja na Tehnološkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Tuzli u sklopu CEEPUS programa pod nazivom “RO-0013-20-2425 – Teaching and Research of Environment-oriented Technologies in Manufacturing”.
U tim predavanjima on je predstavio svoju matičnu instituciju, polje istraživačkog rada kao i prilike za saradnju, a zatim održao kratki kurs kako koristiti „Computer Aided Design Software Fusion” u okviru koga su se studenti upoznali sa tim softverom, a zatim su rješavali primjer dizajniranja pločastog izmjenjivača topline.
Koordinator CEEPUS programa na
Tehnološkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Tuzli
Dr. sci. Elvis Ahmetović, red. prof.
Lectures held as part of the CEEPUS program
On Wednesday and Thursday of this week (October 16 and 17, 2024), colleague Martin Necpal, from the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava held a lecture at the Faculty of Technology of the University of Tuzla as part of the CEEPUS program called “RO-0013-20-2425 – Teaching and research of ecologically oriented technologies in production”.
In these lectures, he presented his home institution, the field of research work as well as the opportunities for cooperation. Then he held a short course on the use of “Computer Aided Design Software Fusion” in which the students were introduced to the software and then solved an example of designing a plate heat exchanger
Coordinator of the CEEPUS program at
Faculty of Technology, University of Tuzla
Professor Elvis Ahmetović