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Otvorena je registracija studenata za učešće u CONNECT 2023
- 17/05/2023

Obavještavaju se studenti da je otvorena registracija za učešće u CONNECT 2023.
U okviru tog događaja, prvo će se realizirati mentorski program-trodnevni masterklas u Banja Luci od 17.8. do 20.8.2023. godine.
Nakon toga, studenti će imati priliku da učestvuju u obuci iz naučne komunikacije i identifikuju teme na kojima će raditi sa svojim mentorima na petodnevnoj radionici u Neumu od 20.08. do 26.08.2023. godine.
Više informacija o CONNECT događaju i registraciji je raspoloživo na sljedećim web stranicama:
Student registration for participation in CONNECT 2023 is open
Students are hereby informed that registration for participation in CONNECT 2023 is open.
As part of that event, the mentoring program will first be implemented – a three-day masterclass in Banja Luka on August 17-20, 2023.
After that, students will have the opportunity to participate in scientific communication training and identify the topics they will work on with their mentors at a five-day workshop in Neum on August 20-26, 2023.
More information on CONNECT and registration is available on the following websites: