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Predstavnici Univerziteta u Tuzli i Tehnološkog fakulteta učestvovali na međunarodnoj konferenciji pod nazivom Circular Economy-Opportunities and Challenges
- 21/11/2022

Predstavnici Univerziteta u Tuzli, Tehnološkog fakulteta i uže naučne oblasti Hemijsko inženjerstvo, Dr. sci. Elvis Ahmetović, redovni profesor i Dr. sci. Ervin Karić, viši asistent, su aktivno učestvovali na međunarodnoj konferencji pod nazivom “Circular Economy-Opportunities and Challenges” koja je u periodu od 17 do 18 novembra 2022 godine održana u Tirani (Albanija) i sufinansirana od strane Central European Initiative (CEI).
U organizaciji navedene konferencije su učestvovali partneri iz različitih zemalja i također iz Bosne i Hercegovine.
Jedan od partnera je bio i Univerzitet u Tuzli, a u organizacijskom odboru konferencije ispred Univerziteta u Tuzli učestvovao je Dr.sci. Elvis Ahmetović, redovni profesor, koji je također na navedenoj konferenciji usmeno predstavio rad sljedećih autora sa Univerziteta u Tuzli i Tehnološkog fakulteta:
Ahmetović, E., Ibrić, N., Karić, E. (2022). Circular Economy of Water in Process Industries, Circular Economy-Opportunities and Challenges, Tirana, Albania
Pored navedenog, Dr.sci. Elvis Ahmetović, redovni profesor je bio pozvan od strane organizatora konferencije da se obrati na konferenciji kao predstavnik Univerziteta u Tuzli, a više detalja o tom obraćanju možete vidjeti na sljedećem web linku
Također, profesor Ahmetović je bio pozvan da ispred organizatora konferencije da intervju za A2 CNN u kome je govorio o značaju cirkularne ekonomije u zaštiti okoline i za društvo.
Organizacija navedene konferencije i saradnja u okviru Erasmus+ projekta pod nazivom “INTERnationalization at Home: Embedding Approaches and Structures to Foster Internationalization at Western BAlkans/ INTERBA” su dva projekta u kome je Univerzitet u Tuzli učestvovao u saradnji sa Univerzitetom u Tirani i Ekonomskim fakultetom i iskreno se nadamo da će se ova saradnja intenzivirati i u budućnosti kroz različite projekte.
Representatives of the University of Tuzla and the Faculty of Technology participated in the international conference entitled Circular Economy-Opportunities and Challenges
Representatives of the University of Tuzla, the Faculty of Technology, and the narrow scientific field of Chemical Engineering, Elvis Ahmetović, full professor, and Ervin Karić, senior assistant, actively participated in the international conference entitled “Circular Economy-Opportunities and Challenges” held in Tirana (Albania) from 17 to 18 November 2022 and co-financed by the Central European Initiative (CEI).
Partners from different countries, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, participated in the organization of the mentioned conference.
One of the partners was the University of Tuzla, and Elvis Ahmetović, a full professor, participated in the organizing committee of the conference in front of the University of Tuzla.
He also delivered at the conference an oral presentation of the work by the following authors from the University of Tuzla and the Faculty of Technology:
Ahmetović, E., Ibrić, N., Karić, E. (2022). Circular Economy of Water in Process Industries, Circular Economy-Opportunities and Challenges, Tirana, Albania
In addition to this, professor Ahmetović was invited by the conference organizers to speak at the conference as a representative of the University of Tuzla, and you can see more details about that at the following web link
Also, professor Ahmetović was invited to give an interview to A2 CNN, in front of the conference organizers, in which he spoke about the importance of the circular economy in environmental protection and for society.
The organization of the mentioned conference and cooperation within the Erasmus+ project entitled “INTERnationalization at Home: Embedding Approaches and Structures to Foster Internationalization at Western Balkans/ INTERBA” are two projects in which the University of Tuzla participated in cooperation with the University of Tirana, and the Faculty of Economy.
We sincerely hope this cooperation will intensify through various projects in the future.